The not so healthy fact

Member for Mildura, Jade Benham, has called on the Minister for Health, to address public concerns directly: What is the Government concealing regarding Mildura Base Public Hospital? Mildura Base Public Hospital is grappling with a $23 million deficit in the first half of the current financial year according to HeART data. This leaves constituents with…

Community Health: Column

For a first-time mum who could be struggling with breast feeding and needing help to settle her baby or someone who needs pain rehabilitation from a physiotherapist this and more is provided by your local community health services. Community health services are an integral part of the Victorian health system and funding to help them…

Action needed on crime increase

The Nationals Member for Mildura, Jade Benham, has renewed calls for an urgent meeting with Police Minister Anthony Carbines in the wake of new statistics that show crime is spiraling out of control. “The crime rate continues to rise, yet my repeated calls for adequate resourcing continue to fall on deaf ears,” Ms Benham said.…

Robinvale and Villers Bretonneux LTE

LETTER TO THE EDITOR Dear Editor, I am writing to express my deep disappointment regarding the recent decision made by the Swan Hill Rural City Councillors on December 19, 2023, to decline an invitation for the Mayor to attend the 40th Anniversary of the Sister City relationship with Robinvale and Villers Bretonneux. This decision has…

Mildura leading the way in CDS

Member for Mildura, Jade Benham is applauding the Mildura region for becoming the state leaders in the Container Deposit Scheme collection. Regional Victorians continue to step up to the challenge in impressive numbers, with Mildura leading the state in container returns having returned over 4.1 million containers since the scheme began on November 1. With…

Mildura SES unit recognised

“It was my pleasure to be a part of the 2023 annual awards night for the Mildura SES Unit the evening was a remarkable moment as we gathered to recognise the dedication and hard work of our amazing team,” said Ms Benham. I’d like to congratulate: 5 Year Service Award         – Brenden Mackinnon, Michael…

Container Deposit Scheme ready to launch

Member for Mildura, Jade Benham is pleased to announce that as of November 1 Victorian residents can participate in the Container Deposit Scheme. With confirmed locations in Mildura being Around Again and Exchange Depot. Robinvale residents will also be able to take their containers to J&J’s Trash and Treasure. Most aluminium, glass, plastic and liquid…

Getting in the Christmas spirit

Nationals’ Member for Mildura, Jade Benham, welcomes all children age 4-11 to enter her 2023 Christmas Card Competition. Open to all Children in the Mildura electorate winning designs will be used for the annual Christmas card distribution. “I encourage the design to relate to our region whether it be a local farm, community group, weather…